How much can you save with CBUSA?

CBUSA members have access to competitive pricing and exclusive rebates with top brands in the industry. Use our savings calculator to estimate how much cash you could be keeping in your pocket.



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Estimate your potential cost savings

Enter the number of homes sold per year and the average sale price to calculate your savings.

Your savings with CBUSA could be:


Estimated cost savings is based on a CBUSA member who takes full advantage of purchasing and rebates.

  • Purchasing from 15 preferred local vendors
  • Enrolling in five brand partner contracts
  • Reporting quarterly through CBUSA’s portal


Description Information Quantity Price
Discount :
Total :

As a member of CBUSA, you get access to:

Competitive pricing through group purchasing

Deals and rebates with top national brands

A network of like-minded professional builders

See what our current members have to say

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