Start a new CBUSA chapter in your area

We’re expanding our network across new regions of the U.S. If you’re ready to work with other top builders in your area to save on material costs and grow your business, send us an inquiry.

Two people looking over construction plans

Collaborate, learn and achieve more

Achieve the buying power of a national builder and reduce material costs.

Network and share business best practices with other industry professionals.

Work with top brands in the industry and add to your bottom line with rebates.

CBUSA Member Chapters

Our current chapters

CBUSA’s impressive network of professional builders spans across the country. Each local member group or chapter is made up of top builders who agree to meet several times a year. During these meetings, builder members discuss material pricing, brand partnerships and best practices.

We currently have 34 chapters – but we’re always looking to expand.

Hover over each map location to view chapter details.

What does it take to start a CBUSA chapter?

  1. We work with you to assemble a group of the best builders in your local market.
  2. We then get your input on the best local suppliers to bring on as vendor partners and set up all our national contracts through local distribution.
  3. Finally, we implement local pricing and rebates that are advantageous for your chapter.

Frequently asked questions

When the best builders in a market come together, their purchasing power exponentially increases. Over the past 20 years, we’ve built a network of over 700 builder members doing 14,000+ annual starts and over $9 billion in annual revenue. This puts CBUSA in the ranks with the top 10 national builders. Our members are able to buy like the big guys.

CBUSA brings together the best builders in a market in order to drive down pricing, improve service levels and protect them from price increases.

CBUSA is a network of builders who work together – without sharing financials – to strengthen their bottom lines tremendously. As a group, you’ll learn from each other, share best practices and collectively ensure success for each individual business.

No. CBUSA is designed to save you time through more efficient purchasing.

Your chapter’s monthly membership meetings are planned well in advanced and designed to help develop cost savings programs specific to your market. While there is an upfront time investment to evolve elements of your purchasing process, the immediate- and long-term savings your company will experience is worth it.

We can get a chapter up and running in about three months. It takes a motivated group of forward-thinking builders who know the timing is right to work together for the best purchasing value available.

  • What is my involvement? CBUSA does the heavy lifting, but we’re most successful when local builders are involved helping us find other great builders and vendor partners. Nobody knows your market better than you do!

When starting a new chapter, you’ll start seeing the benefits of networking and cost savings relatively quickly.

  • What meetings do we attend? Once a chapter launches, we have regular purchasing meetings that are very valuable and well attended by owners and key purchasing personnel.
  • How does reporting work? CBUSA’s software is all web-based and very easy to use. We developed it knowing how busy our builders are every day, so we made it simple for you to report quarterly to earn rebates.
  • How long before I see savings? The savings opportunities start coming to you quickly. The more you participate in our local and national programs, the more you’ll save.

It’s as simple as telling them about CBUSA and having them complete the online inquiry.

  • How many builders do we need? We usually start a market with 15 builders doing anywhere from 5-10 up to 150-200 starts per year. Then we continue to add great builders from there.
  • How many vendors do we need? Our team brings on local vendor partners in the key phases of construction that will add the most value to our builder members. We continue to add more as the chapter matures.

See what our current members have to say

Check out these additional resources to learn more

Ready to start a local CBUSA chapter?